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Tag: 瑞士出口


经过几年的停滞,瑞士对华出口终于在2017年再次增加,瑞士对中国的商品出口销售额累积高达167亿瑞郎,与去年相比增幅达13.8%。 钟表和精密仪器行业增长最快,自2015年以来的萧条业绩后,出口增长了14 %。而医药产品,化学制品以及机械设备则增长了13 %。 中国仅次于德国和美国,已一跃成为瑞士产品第三大出口市场。同时,也是瑞士出口额最大的亚洲市场。

China is increasingly important for the Swiss export sector

China’s economy is becoming increasingly important and in terms of GDP already overtook the US. In the past, the Chinese economy grew mostly thanks...


Renminbi Hub in Switzerland has 13 partner banks

In 2016, the China Construction Bank (CBC) established the Renminbi Hub in Switzerland and since then, is developing cross-border business with the currency in...