A continuously updated timeline of the trade war between China and the US

The trade war between China and the US arrived at day 135, so far the US applied tariffs worth USD 250 billion to China and the Chinese responded with taxes worth USD 110 billion.

The effects of the conflict can be felt by businesses, for example by the car industry, where the Chinese manufacturer Geely now just experienced a sharp drop in sales for the first time in 46 months.

Trade wars are, according to President Trump, “good and easy to win” and will bring back jobs to the US. Alibaba’s Jack Ma has another opinion though, he says, the conflict will hurt the US more than China, because its economy cannot profit from the low-priced Chinese goods anymore. He thinks it will last for decades and calls it “the most stupid thing in this world”.

To keep us informed about this matter, China Briefing News now published a timeline of the trade war, which will also be updated continuously.

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